Jul 07
Perhaps you can be of some help to me. My question is: Are vegetarians allowed to eat animals crackers?
(I know that some of you probably think this is somewhat crummy. Crummy …. crackers …. get it? …. crackers can be crummy …. crummy crackers …. you see, if crackers couldn’t be crummy my play on words would mean nothing …. but as it is crackers CAN be crummy, therefore my play on words should be funny …. get it? …. funny …. means you should laugh …. if you don’t laugh it’s NOT my fault!)
Jul 09
Just what would you call a fly that had not wings? Would you call him a walk?
(When I posted this I was somewhat reluctant to put this under the category of “Humor”. Was I wrong?)
Jul 09
Thought to ponder: If all the world is a stage, then just exactly where does the audience sit?
Jul 09
Sooooooo, just why DO they call it Tourist “Season” if you’re not allowed to shoot them?
(I thought about this some, but just drew a blank : )
Jul 09
Thought to ponder: If one tries to fail, and succeeds, which has he done?
Jul 16
So, just what DO you call a hair-lip bee? Why a “Mumble Bee” of course.
(Some of you might like to tell me to buzz off with this one.”
Jul 16
Perhaps you heard of the sad lonely ghost that had no one or house to haunt. He went around crying, “Boo-Who, Boo-Who, Boo Who”.
(Would you believe, I made this one up?!)
Jul 22
Just a thought to ponder: Why can one be “in” the movies, but “on” T.V.?
Why can one not be “on” the movies and “in” T.V.” ?
What do you think?
Jul 22
A friend of mine decided to raise rabbits. He lives in a New York apartment building and was able to used the basement for raising his rabbits. The rabbits have never been outside of the building. The “new” species? You say you’d like to know the name of the new species of rabbits? Are you REALLY prepared to know the name?
O,K., here it is: “In-grown Hares” of course!