Perhaps you heard of the fellow who could not find anyone to sing with him? Yep, you guessed it, he went out and bought himself a “Duet-Yourself Kit”! : )
Jun 01
Jun 14
Do you know why the Pilgrim’s pants kept falling down? Why, it’s because they wore their buckles on their hats!!
Thanks Charlie!
Jun 22
Why is it that the mummy has no friends? He’s all rapped up in himself. (I could say more about this, but mum’s the word).
: )
Jun 22
What does a little boy in Egypt call his mother. Why “Mummy”, of course.
: )
Jun 22
Perhaps you heard of the young boy that plowed his first field next to the Nile River. After he plowed his first farrow his father said, “Son, that’s a fair-row.” Yes you guessed it, I DID make this one up. What do you think? Was it pretty fair?
: )
Jun 25
Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in large groups (like political parties).
Thanks Brek, as you can see I’ve adapted this somewhat. : )